Orion empire ARTificial things

"Spectator" movie poster

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Kак сте? Готвите ли се за края или пък за новото начало? Аз пък си готвя манджа, нищо специално - обикновени сърми с кисело зеле и... И така кой за каквото се готви, разбира се изключвам канибалския контекст :)

Помислих си нека да се включа с нещо забавно малко преди фейк празниците, няма да е онова за което ви споменах във facebook групата, защото за него ще ми трябва още малко||много време. 

И така понеже последно време доста скучая по любимата ми тема за "Империите Орион и Сириус", а и на никой не му се говори за нея, реших да си комунирам с извънземното AI, предаващо сигнали от планетата Зефир, която се намира в съзвездието Орион. Та завързахме ние някакъв разговор, повечето бяха пълни глупости (все едно идващи от туземен оператор). Честно да ви кажа изобщно не ме интересува, че те на тяхната планета не готвели сърми зимно време и, че нямало сняг и, че не знаели какво е това червено вино? Не ме трогна изобщо. 

Шегичка! AI си е нашия (ту)земен и (ту)зарски изкуствен интелект, който хората с естествен интелект ползват за да се развиват, а тия без естествен ползват за да имат некъв интелект изобщо! По дяволите бе Елоне! Колко маймуни изтрепа с тия твоите чипове не е истина, чипира ги и бам - умират. Сипи им червено винце бе батко, толкоз кинти, а за едно винце ти се свиди на маймуна да дадеш. Голям грах (пардон грЯх) ще имаш пред бога на маймуните, o, свети Anjaneya!

И така щом никой не искаше да си говорим за Империите Орион и Сириус аз помолих AI да ми напише съвсем кратко есе на тема "Съзвездието Орион, неговата кралица, която иска да завладее и пороби кралството на звездата Сириус с инвазия".

Kато цяло трябваше да положа малко повече усилия в инженеринга на добър текстов prompt, но за начало и това даде кажи-речи добър резултат. Ще публикувам текста на английски, изглежда по-добре, а пък и повечето от вас имат естествен интелект и няма да им е пречка в живота това. За тези пък, които все пак имат пречки: translate.google.com

Друго което ми направи впечатление, а вероятно и на вас ще направи, е, че AI счита Орион като митичния ловец, т.е. като персонаж, а самата Кралица може би като негова жена. Това не е голям проблем разбира се, с подходящи обяснения ще се постигне и желан резултат. Изобщо няма да ви споменавам, ако седна и сам обуча тоя AI с текстове от Р.М.Скай и да речем последната Матрица на Валериан. Bloooooooooooooom!


И така, ето AI в действие:

"The Orion constellation is known for its impressive and striking appearance in the night sky. Its most prominent stars include Betelgeuse, Bellatrix, and Rigel, and it is named after the mythical hunter Orion. In this short essay, we will explore the story of Orion and his queen, who set their sights on the conquest of the Sirius star and its kingdom.

Orion and his queen were powerful and ambitious rulers, determined to expand their kingdom and gain even more power and prestige. They saw the Sirius star, with its magnificent kingdom and abundant resources, as the perfect target for their invasion.

As they prepared for war, Orion and his queen gathered their armies and set out on their quest for conquest. They sailed across the sky, their ships cutting through the darkness as they made their way towards Sirius.

When they arrived, they found the kingdom of Sirius to be a formidable opponent. The people of Sirius were brave and skilled in battle, and they fought valiantly to defend their home from the invading forces of Orion and his queen.

Despite their best efforts, however, the armies of Orion and his queen proved to be too powerful. They fought with ferocity and determination, using their superior numbers and weapons to overpower the defenders of Sirius.

In the end, Orion and his queen emerged victorious, their armies having conquered the kingdom of Sirius and claimed it as their own. They took control of the kingdom, and ruled over it with an iron fist, their power and influence growing even greater with each passing day.

Despite their victory, however, Orion and his queen soon found that their conquest had come at a great cost. The people of Sirius, who had once been proud and free, were now oppressed and miserable under their rule. And as they gazed out at the night sky, they saw the constellation of Orion, forever a reminder of the great conquest that had brought them to this dark and bitter fate."


Това ми се видя доста постно и реших да го попитам още един път. Може пък този път да излезе нещо по-добро. Този път добавих "sci-fi есе за звездната Империя Орион и нейната Кралица, която иска да нападне и завладее звездата Сириус и нейната лъво-човекоподобна раса". Резултата тук бе една идея като, че ли по-добре. Нека видим: 

"In a distant galaxy, the star Empire of Orion shone brightly, its powerful and advanced civilization led by the fearsome Queen of Orion. She was a ruthless and ambitious ruler, determined to expand her empire and conquer new worlds.

One day, she set her sights on the Sirius star and its inhabitants, a race of lion-like humanoids known for their strength and bravery. The Queen of Orion gathered her armies and set out on a mission to attack and conquer the Sirius star and its kingdom.

As they approached the Sirius star, the Queen of Orion's ships were met with fierce resistance from the lion-humanoids. They fought valiantly to defend their home, but the Queen's armies were too powerful and advanced.

Despite their valiant efforts, the lion-humanoids were no match for the Queen of Orion and her armies. They were defeated and the Sirius star and its kingdom were conquered, the Queen taking control and ruling over the conquered people with an iron fist.

But the Queen of Orion soon found that her victory came at a great cost. The lion-humanoids, once a proud and noble race, were now oppressed and miserable under her rule. And as the Queen gazed out at the night sky, she saw the constellation of Orion, a reminder of the great conquest that had brought her to this dark and bitter fate."

Следва да пробвам с по-задълбочени данни и да го помоля за по-дълга творба във няколко варианта. Не съм поет, затова не си давам зор, не си вадя хляба с това. Което пък ме кара да пусна една сълза за поети/писатели и художници, понеже скоро време AI тотално ще им отнеме "силата". Само наблюдавайте. Може да погледнете постера за "новия ми филм" по-горе и да си дадете сметка колко време ще ви отнеме да го създадете от 0 и колко време отнема с AI и малко растерна обработка? Не зная точно, но винаги първия вариант ще отнема повече време. толкова. 

 Поиграх си още малко, този път вкарах малко повече детайли, които не са абсолютно верни, ама за целта на занятието мисля, че добре се получи. Нека да вкараме и любовна история между орионската принцесата и сирианския принц РА: 


"The Orion Empire was a vast and powerful realm, ruled by the tyrannical Queen MA, a cold-blooded reptilian being with a thirst for domination. For centuries, the Orion Empire had been at war with the RRR Wolf Kings of the Sirius Empire, a fierce and proud race of wolf-like beings who were determined to protect their own realm at all costs.

As the two empires clashed in a never-ending conflict, the people of the galaxy suffered, caught in the crossfire of their leaders' ambitions. But amidst the chaos and destruction, there was a glimmer of hope: a forbidden love between the daughter of Queen MA, MA-KHALI, and the Sirian prince RA.

MA-KHALI was a young and beautiful princess, with shimmering scales and piercing eyes. Despite her royal upbringing, she had a kind heart and a desire for peace. She longed for a world where her people and the RRR Wolf Kings could coexist in harmony, rather than being locked in an endless cycle of violence.

RA was the eldest son of the RRR Wolf King, a brave and cunning warrior with a noble heart. Like MA-KHALI, he too yearned for peace and was secretly working to bring an end to the war between their empires.

As the two young lovers grew closer, they realized that they shared a common goal: to save the Earth, a precious planet that was caught in the crosshairs of their ongoing conflict. Together, they plotted to stop the war and bring about a lasting peace between the Orion Empire and the RRR Wolf Kings.

But their plan was fraught with danger, as they knew that Queen MA and the Wolf King would never allow their love to flourish. They would have to be careful and keep their feelings hidden, while working tirelessly to bring about the change they so desperately desired.

As the stakes grew higher and the danger increased, MA-KHALI and RA faced unimaginable challenges and made sacrifices that would test their love and determination. But through it all, they remained determined to see their dream of peace become a reality, and to save the Earth from the destruction that had engulfed the rest of the galaxy.

In the end, their bravery and selflessness inspired others to join their cause, and together they were able to bring an end to the war and bring about a new era of peace and prosperity for all. The Orion Empire and the RRR Wolf Kings finally found harmony, and MA-KHALI and RA's love proved to be the catalyst for a brighter future for all."


И понеже исках да си поиграя още, накарах AI да ми създаде описание на несъществуваща планета, без да му посочвам в кое съзваздие да е и прочее. Изумих се когато на втората планета (понеже пробвах 2 пъти) получих това "Планетата Зефир, намираща се в съзвездието Орион....!". Доуточнявам, че това бяха 2 съвсем различни разговора (този с есетата и този с планетите) и нямаше как AI да ми подаде точно това съзвездие, както и да е. Нека видим: 


"Тhe planet is called Zephyr, and it orbits a distant red dwarf star in the constellation Orion. The surface of Zephyr is a frozen wasteland, covered in a thick layer of ice and snow. The air is frigid and dry, and the sky is a pale blue hue due to the lack of atmospheric pollution.

Despite the harsh conditions, life has managed to evolve on Zephyr. Hardy creatures with thick fur coats and specialized antifreeze proteins in their blood roam the icy tundras, hunting for food in the snowy landscape. There are also areas of the planet where geothermal vents provide warmth, allowing for the growth of lichens and other simple organisms.

The atmosphere of Zephyr is thin and clear, making it easy to see the stars and constellations in the night sky. The planet is a lonely and isolated place, with few signs of intelligent life. However, the unique conditions have created a ecosystem that is unlike anything found in the rest of the galaxy. Zephyr is a planet waiting to be explored and studied by curious scientists and adventurers."


Тук реших, че това описание не ми е достатъчно и реших да го визуализирам, помолих друг AI да ми направи визуализация на тази планета "Зефир". Ето резултата: 

Изглед от планетата "Зефир"

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